ACPOR offers accredited courses for several categories of beneficiaries: psychologists, psychotherapists, school counsellors, teachers.
CPR ACCREDITED COURSE (webinar) for licensing in the use of DEPRETER ( - Science-based therapy for depression and burnout) and Mai mult...
CPR ACCREDITED COURSE | 34 credits The course aims to provide up-to-date information on the scientific foundations of exposure methods Mai mult...
CPR ACCREDITED COURSE | 32 credits The course aims to provide up-to-date information on the scientific foundations of relaxation and Mai mult...
CPR ACCREDITED COURSE | 27 credits The course aims to provide up-to-date information on the scientific basis of cognitive restructuring Mai mult...
CPR ACCREDITED COURSE | 33 credits BENEFICIARIES: psychologists or psycho-pedagogues with a bachelor's degree; psychologists with a license in psychotherapy Mai mult...
UPDATED COURSE INFORMATION 2023: Find more about the course here - course series, access, fees TITLE: Treating depression in the Mai mult...
UPDATED COURSE INFORMATION 2023: Find out more about the course here - course series, access, fees TITLE: Treating Anxiety in Mai mult...
Course title: Methods and strategies to prevent/reduce absenteeism and school dropout Aim of the training programme: To reduce absenteeism and Mai mult...
Course title: An inclusive approach to assessment of children with SEN Aim of the training programme: to make the educational Mai mult...
Course title: Instructional strategies and assessment methods suitable for special educational needs (SEN) Aim of the training programme: to improve Mai mult...